Territorial Acknowledgment and Commitment to Decolonization
We understand D-Centre to be located on an island known as Sla Dai Aich to the Pentlatch people; as Taystayic to the K’omoks; and as Denman to settlers. Some say that the north end is K’omoks/Pentlatch territory, while the south end is Qualicum. We have also been told that Tla'amin elders speak of their long-standing connections to this island.
We not only acknowledge the traditional nature of these relationships, but view them as the basis for currently active and important modes of indigenous governance. As settlers, we see ourselves as guests on the land, and do our best to work towards its decolonization.
We constantly challenge and try to change our own colonial behaviours, beliefs, and practices; and we act as allies and accomplices to indigenous struggles, particularly those that are oriented to (re)establishing ways of life that are more just and sustainable than those of the currently dominant order of state-capitalist extraction and bureaucratic domination of everyday life.