SUMMER HOURS (April-October): 10AM to dusk, every day
WINTER HOURS (Nov - March): 10 AM - 4 PM, Saturday and Sunday
(except Saturday mornings May-Oct, when we are at the Denman Island Farmer’s Market)
The farm stand is located at the Big Pond entrance to the property. Here you can find various foods produced at The Snag, including:
farm-fresh, free-range, non-GMO fed eggs
amazingly tasty fresh, seasonal pestos - cheesy basil, vegan basil, butter sage, nettle, and more
seasonal fruits and vegetables, such as plums, peaches, grapes, figs, cherry tomatoes, garlic, squash, corn…
sometimes we also have Joan’s highly addictive Portugese custard tarts and Chilean empanadas, though we usually sell out of these at the market