What is the Snag?

The Snag is a formerly abandoned 40 acre, off-the-grid property with recovering fruit and nut trees, chickens, pastures, annual gardens, a food forest, and several ponds. It serves as a home for those who live here, and as a home base for various activities focused on creating sustainable alternatives to the currently dominant way of doing things, which we see as exploitative, excessively bureaucratic, and unsustainable.

Since we arrived here in 2018, we have been focused on restoring and creating basic infrastructure (solar power, potable and irrigation water, heat, cooking facilities, roads and paths...) with the help of friends, family, and our local networks. We sell some of the food we grow at the Denman Island Farmer’s Market, run a farmstand, and host projects like Plan B(ean) and D-Centre.

As the pandemic has waned, we have once again begun to hold events related to climate change resilience, permaculture, the theory and practice of autonomy, and folk music and dancing. We are currently planning a 12 day experiential course: “Zeroland: The Art and Science of Self-Reliance.”

Upcoming Courses, Workshops, and Events